Tuesday, January 25, 2011


today a ''green lentil dish'' on the menu... this is my daughter's favorite way to eat green lentil =)
are very nutritious and readily available in dried form. Lentils are a great addition to many recipes and a staple for vegetarians... this recipe is from the Turkish Cuisine .. very easy to make for a heavenly taste...


1 cup dried green lentils( rinsed)
1 onion (chopped)
1 heaping tbsp tomato paste
4 tbsp olive or vegetable oil
2-3 tbsp rice or bulgur
a quarter bunch of dill leaves (chopped)
half tbsp mint flakes
salt,black pepper
1/2 cup ground beef( optional for the meat lovers)
2 cups hot water


add water to a saucepan bring water to a boil and add the lentils boil for 5 minutes  then rinse and drain
in another pot saute onions with olive oil over medium heat till onions are tender
add tomato paste
add 1/2 cup ground beef if desired
stir and cook for 3 minutes
add green lentil and rice and stir
add water, and salt
Cover the lid and simmer over low heat till the lentils are cooked (20-30 minutes).
add black pepper
sprinkle mint flakes and dill leaves before serving

serve green lentil dish with fresh bread and pickled vegetables


listen to some JANIS JOPLIN

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